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Jan 30, 2024: Every pebble is unique, but profoundly unique objects are rare. - Michael Polanyi, The Study of Man, ch 3

Jan 28, 2024: What am I giving up when I act busy by looking at my phone during an awkward moment? Or quietly dismissing myself to go hole up somewhere else? …

Jan 26, 2024: It’s been 4 full days since I had my roommate lock me out of my phone. And so far so good! I’ve discovered that Siri on a locked iPhone …

Jan 25, 2024: Just realized I haven’t posted in a few days. At the start of the week I decided I was using my iPhone way too much, so I asked my roommate to …

Jan 20, 2024: I’ve thought for a while that I was a verbal processor. But last night conversing with my roommate I realized that I’m actually an internal processor …

Jan 20, 2024: I just spent the last 3 hours playing Factorio instead of sleeping. I’m going to regret this tomorrow

Jan 19, 2024: Today I’ve been putting my ever-growing collection of books into some semblance of a system on my computer, and I ran across one that I picked …

Jan 18, 2024: Been learning to defeat temptation. It’s really hard! But this verse is bringing me comfort: No temptation has come upon you except what is common to …

Jan 17, 2024: Been reading Dante’s Purgatorio recently. Here’s a gem from today: Heaven calls to you… showing you beauties that can never die, …

Jan 17, 2024: Just ran across this essay (Consume less, create more), and I feel inspired. I spend way too much time scrolling through my feeds; maybe instead I …

Dec 17, 2023: First post! (Just testing how this works)